winkelmandje is leeg
V. 1.0.10
+ Added Whatsapp Share
• Contained Form item success animation within item.
V. 1.0.11
• Updated Asterisk Remover to version 2.5;
+ Added "Reset Videos in Inactive Slider Items" script;
• Improved default Cookie Bar Button and Text styles;
+ Added "Font-weight: Normal" style;
+ Added "Font-weight: Light" style;
+ Added "Kill BRs" style;
• Updated "Different Menu after Scrolling" script (performance);
+ Added "Custom Slider Controls" script;
• Improved "Cell Width: Auto" style;
• Updated "Mobile Form Padding Equalizer" style to acivate at 600px instaed of 767px;
• Updated "Cell Width: Auto" style;
+ Added "Kill Strongs" style;
+ Added "nomargin" main style;
• Updated "Center Child Buttons" style to work better with form buttons.
V. 1.0.12
+ Added "Thumbnails" script (one set per page);
+ Added "Tablet Un-Full-Width Child Container" style.
V. 1.0.14
+ Added JS for "Outside Slider" buttons;
+ Added "privacy_line" label;
• Updated "Cell Width: Auto" style.
V. 1.0.15
+ Added "Label Link" script to force links in input labels to work.
V. 1.0.16
+ Added "Kill Child Grid-cell Top" style.
+ Added Cookie settings page + Data.
+ Added Privacy policy page + Data.
+ Added 404 page + Data.
+ Added Cookie settings label text NL.
• Changed Cookie Bar info button.
V. 1.0.17
• Changed footer design;
+ Added history.back() button to Template Footer for PP page;
+ Added Global style that prevents first Shuttle cookie option from being interacted with.
V. 1.0.18
+ Added Masonry prefab page;
• Adjusted Masonry script to reapply on window load
+ Added Scroll-by drop items (.dropcont, .drop)
V. 1.0.20
+ Added history.back() script addition to Phrase Catcher when pressing backspace while browsing on Firefox in order to reintroduce the missing Firefox feature to go back to the previous page using backspace while in responsive design view;
+ Updated Scroll-By drop items script to version 2.0 (featuring optional direction and speed choices and documentation)
+ Updated Scroll-By drop items script to version 2.5 (featuring optional delay (dur) and easing function choices).
V. 1.0.21
+ Added Adjustable Parallax script v1.1;
+ Added Tracer script v1.0.
V. 1.0.22
+ Set .Grid-innerCell's z-index to unset !important by default;
+ Updated PP back button to 2.0.
+ Added IMG Center indication script (applies background-position to .FlexEmbed-object from value in data read into bg attribute)
V. 1.0.23
+ Added content edit functionality (website text content editable on the fly) Type @edit to activate and again (or double-tap ESC) to deactivate.
+ Added stock privacy policy
V. 1.0.24
+ Added Compact Scroll-by On script (add .on class when scrolling in view);
+ Added Pre-Tablet Padding style;
• Updated Pre-Tablet Padding style to be safer;
+ Added Select First Hidden script (Safely kills the first option tag in select tags);
• Updated News and Blog data tables, pages and detail pages to be more universally usable. Including the removal of less used features;
- Removed "Header" style from template Header.
V. 1.0.25
• Updated news/blog data structure;
+ Added "Button Alt" common style for use in editor;
• Updated Cell-width Auto style.
V. 1.0.26
• Updated Parallax script to v1.2;
• Added Underline style to editor.
V. 1.0.27
• Added Custom Checkbox Adder v2.1 (disabled by default): Now compatible with Shuttle Forms that are not full-width.
V. 1.0.28
• Updated Adjustable Parallax to version 1.3: Added support for FlexEmbed-ratio, direction inversion and load exemption on excluded classes on the containing html tag.